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The History of My Amigurumi Creation

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My creative tendencies have changed over the years due to my own growth and interests at each point in time. Starting with making small charms, I moved on to palm-sized animals, human-shaped amigurumi, and currently, influenced by shojo manga, I’m focusing on works themed around boys and girls. Here, I’ll share with you the changes I’ve gone through.

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It All Began with Small Animal Amigurumi Charms

My amigurumi journey began when I made small animal charms for my children. Until six years ago, I had no knitting experience, and the pieces I started making on a whim turned out to be unique charm. (laughs). However, from there, I taught myself how to knit, and now I’ve grown to the point where people say, “I want it!”

Animal charms were very well-received by pet owners. At times, I was asked to make charms of pets that had passed away. Seeing customers in tears upon receiving the finished product left a lasting impression on me.

Making Palm-Sized Animal Amigurumi

I received many pet requests, and customers suggested, “I’d like a slightly larger size.” So, I changed the yarn to wool and tried making palm-sized animals, which customers really loved. Seeing their joy was the most rewarding moment, making me feel glad I created them.

Many customers have a strong love for their pets, and I’ve been moved countless times by their deep affection, realizing that “pets are family, too.” As long as there is demand, I will continue to fulfill their requests.

Challenging Myself with My First Character Amigurumi

In 2020, upon hearing that my favorite picture book was being made into a movie, I couldn’t contain my excitement and created amigurumi based on the book’s characters! It was my first time making human-shaped amigurumi, and it was quite challenging to complete, but I feel like I gained clarity on my specific interests and what I want to create.

Receiving Orders for Human-Shaped Amigurumi

As mentioned above, in 2020, I made and shared my first human-shaped amigurumi. Then, someone who saw it asked, “Can you make an amigurumi that resembles me?” I was able to receive an order!

Using the experience from my first creation, I put my heart into making it, and I remember like yesterday how moved I was by the customer’s delight.

Manga Love Influencing My Amigurumi

Recently, I’ve been hooked on shojo manga (laughs), and that love is influencing my work! Currently, I’m focusing on pieces themed around boys and girls, challenging myself to express “heart-fluttering moments” through amigurumi!

This shows a couple on their first date at a summer festival.
This depicts the moment when their feelings become mutual.

Some of these works are available in my shop, so please take a look!

Realizing Both are Admirable Japanese Cultures

I realized that both the “amigurumi” I create and the “manga” I’m currently obsessed with are wonderful Japanese cultures! If that’s the case, I want to incorporate more of Japan’s great culture and introduce “Japan” to people around the world through “amigurumi”! That’s what I’ve come to believe.

I will continue my activities so that as many people as possible can learn about “Japan.”

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